Thank you for the days
In memory of a beautiful man A beautiful man who started every greeting with "hello darling", touched so many lives and warmed hearts and...
She doesn't look depressed to me
This blog post is dedicated, with love, to a friend. "She doesn't look depressed to me, you should see her when she goes out, she's all...
It came in like a wrecking ball
You know when your baby is a bad sleeper and you only realise you'd actually had some sleep when your nights are broken? That's how I...
Time is a healer
A song came on the radio on Tuesday as I was driving and before I could blink the tears started rolling down my cheeks. Big fat tears of...
On writing
Right. I am by no means a writer, I write words that I hope people will enjoy and might resonate with the reader, some might switch off...
Being brave, honest and putting your hand up
Maybe you're not dogged by depression, or you don't know anyone who is but the chances are you are never far from someone who finds it...
Best of friends
It's not how long they've been in my life, it's what they bring to it. Over supper one night we were discussing friends and friendship. ...
It's ok to put your hand up
I recently read an article about celebrities and mental health. We know about celebrities and their struggles because it sometimes...
Stirring up more than risotto
I was making risotto on Wednesday night. There I was stirring away and finding it quite therapeutic. Then my mind took me to back to...
Gaining a friend and losing weight
Last December I met someone who has helped me to change my life, my habits and my lifestyle. Gemma Sims came along to the Reading Rockets...