
396 days and counting
396 days since I took a long hard look at my life and 483 days between these 2 photos. I pinch myself when I look at photos, but I also...

Nellie Knows : 19 December 2019
Every year I convince myself I will be organised and will have everything ready so that on Christmas morning it will be a picture perfect...

Nellie Knows : 5 December 2019
In meteorological terms December 1st is the start of winter which certainly rang true on Monday when we woke up to a heavy frost. Well...

Easy oil cloth solutions
Our dining room table is a multi function piece of furniture - it's the dining room table first and foremost but also the dumping spot,...

The Coach House, Brecon, Wales : AD
It’s the little touches that make a stay memorable and at The Coach House in Brecon there are plenty, with a few surprises thrown in.

Nellie Knows : 21 November 2019
Telly seems to be famine or feast and this weekend was a total feast with the new series of The Crown, the continuation of His Dark...

Nellie Knows : 24 October 2019
Last week I tootled through the familiar counties of Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire where I was born and went to college and...

Ty Croeso : Wales : Review
I have known Alex who owns Ty Croeso for quite a while and when she asked me if I would like to stay the night before I was Keynote...

On Parenting
I always wanted babies and puppies. I have 3 girls, a 10 year old black and another on the way (puppy that is). Obviously I didn’t think...

Nellie Knows : 1 August 2019
Well that’s it the A levels and GCSEs are over, university courses are done for the year, schools are out, the festival season has well...