Review : Yellow Room by Shelan Rodger
Shelan has a beautiful and gentle way of writing coupled with a humungous plot that somehow allows me to switch off from the outside...
Review: The Book of Forgotten Authors by Christopher Fowler
Absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder. It makes people think you're dead. So begins Christopher Fowler's foray into the back...
If there was one television series that I would say "oh you must watch" it would be Hinterland. The cast with characters so complex and...
Tasty! Tiny Rebel Brewery
When Charlie and Anthony shared a photo of a can of beer called Cwtch they said "you need this in your life". They weren't wrong! I...
Nellie Knows : 28 September 2017
I don’t wish to tempt fate but I have “potentially" found a way of keeping the dreaded mares tail under control, for now! I have been...
Tasty! Baked by Mel
Selecting a gift is an art. I like to think that the gifts I choose are ones that the recipient will like and enjoy, thankfully this was...
Nellie Knows : 21st September 2017
I'm in autumn mode now. Socks on the radiator, boots by the door, pockets full of poo bags and conkers, misty mornings and hearty meals...
Nellie Knows : 14 September 2017
Crikey that was a windy night the other night, despite being kept awake a bit during the night I forgot the wind and wandered out into...
Nellie Knows : 7 September 2017
With the sight of conkers and browning leaves on the ground it's a sure sign that autumn is around the corner and the nights will soon be...
The Real Greek : Review
Years and years ago Big Welsh and I used to fly to Athens and take a ferry to whatever island happened to be in dock, whereupon we would...