She doesn't look depressed to me
This blog post is dedicated, with love, to a friend. "She doesn't look depressed to me, you should see her when she goes out, she's all...
💥 Thank you 💥
🌟 There's a lot to be thankful for in 2016 and it boils down to people. 🌟 Specifically the people I surround myself with, whose company...
A wry look at the year ahead
Right! . In 2017 . I will lose 10 stone, what I mean is I will lose 2 stone 5 times. . I'm not going to drink any more, I'm not going to...
Shoes and friendship
It's been quite a year one way or another:- . For some time I'd been angry about hurtful people (the ones I thought were friends were in...

Nellie Knows : 8 December 2016
This column first appeared in the printed version of The Wokingham Paper, available every Thursday. This week I have mostly been .... ...

Nellie Knows : 1 December 2016
This column can also be found in The Wokingham Paper. The start of a new month, the opening of the Advent calendar and the arrival of the...

Nellie Knows : 24 November 2016
There's a kind of hush all over the world (you'll be humming Carpenters' tunes now!) with people either being in denial about Christmas....
It came in like a wrecking ball
You know when your baby is a bad sleeper and you only realise you'd actually had some sleep when your nights are broken? That's how I...

Nellie Knows : 5 October 2016
This was previously published in The Wokingham Paper Last week was one of those weeks that didn’t start well but ended well and truly on...
I'm just ......
When I ask my offspring to empty the dishwasher / bring their washing down / do a chore I'm met with "I'm just" and my heart sinks. ....