Easy oil cloth solutions
Our dining room table is a multi function piece of furniture - it's the dining room table first and foremost but also the dumping spot,...
On friendship
I read somewhere that unfriending someone on Facebook could be construed as bullying. Really, is that the case? Is Facebook the huge...
Impromptu Kitchen Revamp (thanks to Lidl)
I didn't wake up this morning thinking "I know what I'll do today I'll do a kitchen revamp" what I did think was "if I get everyone to...
Best of friends
It's not how long they've been in my life, it's what they bring to it. Over supper one night we were discussing friends and friendship. ...
Book Review: Look At Me by Sarah Duguid
Lizzy has a sister. She hasn't met her yet. When the postman handed me a parcel with familiar writing on the label I wanted to stop what...
Pom Poms and parenting
I've said many times before I am not an expert, I have experience in some things but that doesn't make me an expert. I've been parenting...
Nellie Knows : The Wokingham Paper : 5 February 2016
This was previously published in The Wokingham Paper on Friday 5 February 2016. Looking forward to half term How can it be February...
In Her Wake by Amanda Jennings
It was with much excitement that I fired up the Kindle app and launched the proof of In Her Wake by my friend Amanda Jennings. The fact...
Cold feet, heavy heart and a wobble
Sometimes things hit me and I'm knocked, I wobble, I get cold feet and I find it impossible to get back to centre. Little things that...
Nellie Knows : The Wokingham Paper : 29 January 2016
This was previously published in The Wokingham Paper on Friday 29 January 2016. Thanks for all your comments following my return last...