Nellie Knows : The Wokingham Paper : 22 January 2016
This was previously published in The Wokingham Paper on Friday 22 January 2016. It’s been a while but I’m back with my column sharing...
Let's talk about bullying
When I was in the Police I was asked to give assemblies at the schools I was the SPOC (single point of contact) on a number of things,...
Life through songs
We're surrounded by music. Everywher we go there is music. I walk into my kitchen and Big Welsh has the radio on, Laree has a music...
It's ok to put your hand up
I recently read an article about celebrities and mental health. We know about celebrities and their struggles because it sometimes...
Stirring up more than risotto
I was making risotto on Wednesday night. There I was stirring away and finding it quite therapeutic. Then my mind took me to back to...
Getting organised : in the freezer
I don't profess to be a domestic goddess or an all the time highly efficient housekeeper but I do try new ideas to see if they will work....
Getting organised : under the sink
You know when you can't find what you are looking for and you know it is there because you have jammed it in there? That's how it was...
How to grieve
The news this week has been horrid. There has been the most astonishing public outpouring of grief and people have been sharing their...
I hate cancer
I wrote this last year on my old blog. Mme Cholet died last year. Already this year cancer has dominated the news. Cancer is such an...
Oh you pretty things
I woke up this morning and caught up on the news, then I did a gasp and a double take when I saw that Bowie had died. Surely it had to...