I was prompted to write this post following the major incident in London. A lot of people had posted and retweeted about officers always running into danger and not away from danger and I wanted to share just some things that our Police, together with other emergency services, face each day. I spent 5 years in neighbourhood policing and each shift was different, sometimes I went home feeling deflated, sometimes elated. After each shift I got home. On my last shift I signed off my call sign on the radio myself.

Always running into danger
Passing chat with random stranger
Talking people down from bridges
Arresting folk who steal from fridges
All the things that you don't see
Victims, death and tragedy
Diverting traffic for a reason
Out all weathers, every season
Going into school and talking
Lots of plodding, lot of walking
Things that would make your stomach churn
Facing danger at every turn
Dealing with a drunken driver
Filthy spitting, grim saliva
Always eating on the hoof
Get down now, get off that roof
Helping out a dear old lady
Who thinks her name is Doris, maybe?
Stuck at the computer in the nick
Sifting through a file so thick
Opening emails there's a court warning
Going to bed, off late, mid morning
Listening at the radio calls
Helping as a person falls
Looking at the drunk and thinking
What's the reason for hard drinking
Always running into danger
Counting hours with a stranger
Polished boots and high vis jacket
Please turn down your nasty racket
Hoping neighbours will stop fighting
Or the dog is tame, no biting
Dealing with the parking woes
Hoping boarder upper shows
All the names under the sun
Will get to go when job is done
Off home late yet at work early
This lady says her name is Shirley
Always running into danger
Passing chat with random stranger
Working with the ambo crew
They have patients to pull through
Your mum's a whore and you're a tosser
Some of the insults that are on offer
Oh look now it's the fire truck
Put it out quick with lots of luck
Yes I know the road is busy
You are drugged you're acting dizzy
No this isn't the number for wine
You have dialled 999
Into danger running fast
Hope the casualty will last
Hello Fire, we need you here
The bonnet's crumpled, are you near?
Sorry loved one I'll be off late
Yes it's 10 and should be 8
Always thinking on your feet
How is rudeness for a greet
Quit your swearing and your spitting
That's my crew mate you are hitting
Always running into danger
Giving directions to a stranger
Yes you're swearing lots and scorning
You'll still be in custody in morning
Then there's things that should be done
Looking out for number one
And all the others on the shift
Giving truants to school a lift
Often spat at, hostile greeting
In nick early, got a meeting
Sir and sarge and guv'nor
Tears are flowing, grief is raw
All of this and still no grumble
What's your name you're slurring mumble
Always running into danger
Seeking out the violent stranger
Back at the nick for meal breaks
Domestic violence victim shakes
Scene watch and the preservation
Not got time for conversation
She was asking for a fight
She is shaking face is white
Where's your keys and where's your licence?
And I'm asking for compliance
I hate him and he hates me
I hit him twice, he hit me three
Have you drugs upon your person?
Is this your bag you seem uncertain?
When the shift comes to an end
Your crew mate and your loyal friend
Shares the jobs that end the shift
And asks if you need a lift
No you go, I'll take a walk
I need the space to think not talk
Home at last and into bed
The body first and then the head
It takes a while to shake the day
But thankful to have hit the hay
Always running into danger
Never knowing what you'll find
Always running into danger
Everybody on your mind
Always running into danger
For the public you protect
Always running into danger
There are some shifts you can't forget
