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Coleslaw - a food for all seasons

There really is nothing nicer than a homemade coleslaw. It is so easy to make, all you really need is white cabbage, carrots and onions or leeks with a sauce of your choice. Other additions are red peppers, celeriac, celery, red cabbage (though don’t prepare it too far in advance as it’ll be pink), grated courgette and cucumber.

For a really zingy coleslaw mix together shredded white cabbage, grated carrot, celery, onion and drizzle over cider vinegar and sprinkle with paprika. I’ve also been known to add in sliced tomatoes but that’s not really slaw material!

Mum used to add almonds and raisins to her slaw mix and then fold it in with salad cream.

My absolute favourite though is white cabbage, carrots, leeks, celeriac, natural yoghurt and/or creme fraiche or mascarpone depending on how creamy you want it. Finely shred the cabbage, cut the leeks in half and then thinly cut them lengthways, grated, julienne sliced or use a peeler to get the carrots how you want then, julienned celeriac and then a generous dollop of natural yoghurt, creme fraiche or mascarpone.

If you want to zizz it up then rub garlic around the bowl before adding the ingredients. I make 2 bowls of this, one as is and then one with a sprinkling of dried chillies.

Serve as a side dish, fill a jacket potato or serve up in a pitta bread with spicy sausages – coleslaw is a winner in our house!


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