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Gŵyl CRIME CYMRU Festival

Where can you find Peter James, Lee and Andrew Child, Clare Mackintosh, B E Jones, Emma Kavanagh, Ragnar Jonasson oh and me?

You might not have heard but there's a new literary festival kid on the block, though not just any new kid Gŵyl CRIME CYMRU Festival is Wales' first International crime fiction festival and it begins on Monday 26th April. That's not long - gulp! Over the course of 8 days there will be 18 online events which you can view from the comfort of your own home.

The festival, the brain child of Crime Cymru's very own Alis Hawkins and Matt Johnson ably assisted by the Festival Working Group (what a team!) will be online in 2021 and then in real person in 2022 in our beautiful home of Aberystwyth.

Booking your free ticket couldn't be easier, click on the event and follow the instructions on the Eventbrite page. The booking facility closes 2 days before each event and the day before each event we will send you the YouTube link. Each event is partnered with a Welsh bookshop.

EVENT 1. MONDAY 26TH APRIL, 6PM. HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR CRIME? with Martin Edwards, Cathy Ace, Gail Williams and Amy Williams

Partner Bookshop : Cover to Cover, Mumbles

Partner Bookshop : Awen Meirion, Bala

EVENT 3. TUESDAY 27TH APRIL, 6PM. FROM CRIME WRITER TO PUBLISHER - Diamond Books Launch with Carol Westron, Phil Rowlands, Jeff Dowson and Steve Timmins

Partner Bookshop : Griffin Books, Penarth

Partner Bookshop : Chepstow Book, Chepstow

EVENT 5. WEDNESDAY 28TH APRIL AT 6PM. ADAPTING THE WORKS AND CHARACTERS OF JANE AUSTEN FOR CRIME FICTION with Amy Williams, Annette Purdy Pugh and Lindsay Ashford Partner Bookshop : Gwisgo Bookworm, Aberaeron

EVENT 6. WEDNESDAY 28TH APRIL, 8PM. DEBUTS, DAGGERS AND DIPLOMATS with Abir Mukherjee, Trevor Wood, Louise Mumford, Philip Gwynne Jones Partner Bookshop : Chepstow Books, Chepstow

DYDD IAU 29TH EBRILL AT 7PM CRIME CYMRU DIGWYDDIAD 7. Myfanwy Alexander mewn sgwrs â Gareth W Williams a Gwen Parrott.

EVENT 7. Myfanwy Alexander in conversation with Gareth W Williams and Gwen Parrott. This is a Welsh Language event. Partner Bookshop : Penrallt Gallery Bookshop, Machynlleth

EVENT 8. FRIDAY 30TH APRIL, 6PM. MEET THE CRIME CYMRU AUTHORS with Louise Mullins, Kath Stansfield, Mark Lowes, Leslie Scase, Liz Ripley Hayes, G B Williams, Louise Mumford, Cathy Ace and Philip Gwynne Jones

EVENT 9. FRIDAY 30TH APRIL AT 8PM. KEEPING FAITH – THE MAKING OF AN INTERNATIONAL PHENOMENON with Matthew Hall, Aneirin Hughes and Nellie Williams Partner Bookshop : Cover to Cover, Mumbles

EVENT 10. SATURDAY 1ST MAY, 1PM. WHY LOOK BACK? HISTORICAL CRIME FICTION with Elly Griffiths, S G MacLean and Katherine Stansfield

Partner Bookshop : Browsers Bookshop, Porthmadog

EVENT 11. SATURDAY 1ST MAY 4PM. THE PLOT’S THE THING with Vaseem Khan, Sam Blake, R G Adams and Mark Ellis Partner Bookshop : Penrallt Gallery, Machynlleth

EVENT 12. SATURDAY 1ST MAY 7PM. PASSING ON THE REACHER BATON with Crime Cymru Co-Chair Matt Johnson in conversation with Lee and Andrew Child.

Partner Bookshop : Griffin Books, Penarth. Griffin Books are offering event attendees a 20% discount on titles by Lee Child, Andrew Child and Matt Johnson. A discount code for use on their website will be sent out the day before the event.

EVENT 13. SUNDAY 2ND MAY, 1PM. SERIES, STANDALONE AND BEYOND with Peter James, Ragnar Jonasson, Chris Lloyd and Dr Jacky Collins Partner Bookshop : Great Oak Bookshop, Llanidloes

EVENT 14. SUNDAY 2ND MAY 4PM. CRIME SCENERY - CAN SETTING EVER BE A ‘SILENT CHARACTER’? with Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, Alis Hawkins and Dr Jacky Collins

Partner Bookshop : Browsers Bookshop, Porthmadog

EVENT 15. SUNDAY 2ND MAY 7PM. THRILLER KILLER WOMEN with Clare Mackintosh, BE Jones and Amy Williams Partner Bookshop : Book-ish, Crickhowell

EVENT 16. MONDAY 3RD MAY 1PM. ‘HORRIBLE HISTORIES’ – GOTHIC CRIME FICTION with E S Thomson, Sarah Ward and Thorne Moore Partner Bookshop : Great Oaks Books, Llanidloes

Partner Bookshop : Gwisgo Bookworm, Aberaeron

Events will be live streamed on YouTube. You do not need a YouTube account to join the event with the link you will be sent. However, for optimum viewing and the ability to comment or ask a question you will need to sign up. This can be done by visiting YouTube at any time prior to the event and clicking Sign In - it takes just a few minutes.

Don’t forget to tag Gŵyl CRIME CYMRU Festival on social media and tell your friends.


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