I always knew that having 3 children was going to be busy, and that at some point they would all want to be picked up around the same time from different places which is why I plan my day with military precision. I mean what could go wrong?
Well add in torrential rain, 3 pick ups within 10 minutes of each other and then plans for the evening and the timings are critical. Like a few weeks ago. I had to pick up Laree from football training one side of town, then Mook from a football match the other side of town and Loops from the station before going home and icing a cake for the Reading womens' team and having a Herbalife weigh in.
What could go wrong?
I looked at the clock and grabbed my phone and keys, dashed out and shut the door only to find I had not actually grabbed the keys. PANIC! I rang Fiona who was just about to head to Reading, was running late and didn't have time to do a detour. Then rang Emma who was at work. In London. Heightened panic. I could walk to get Laree but it would take 20 minutes or so and I wasn't dressed for the weather, plus that wouldn't help me as I was pretty sure the older 2 didn't have a key and besides they wouldn't want to walk home in the pouring rain.
Luckily a neighbour drove home and I ran across the road (looking left, right and left again) and asked if she would be kind enough to drop me up to Laree's school. She said yes of course but had to go to an appointment so couldn't do more than that, not a problem I would think of my next move. Thinking on my feet. In the pouring rain.
I ran into school and saw Grace (Reading and Ireland and Laree's coach) and breathlessly explained my predicament and begged her to take me to Fiona's so I could pick up my key and then drive me home so I can get in my house and retrieve keys to enable me to drive to get the other 2. Only she didn't have her car but Jamal did. I had never met Jamal and whilst I don't suggest for one minute getting in a car with someone you don't know I did! Jamal said "I don't often have passengers" to which I replied "oh it's ok I used to be in the Police" (like that would make him feel comfortable!).
Phew. Dashed to Fiona's and Grace said to Laree that lifts home after training aren't the norm but they had a giggle. We love Grace! She said she had put it under a plant pot, she's a gardener and has lots of plant pots ...... I found it in a welly! Raced home in the rain and got the keys. Then rescued the other 2 who were grumpy and amused at the same time, not to mention wet through. Back home we iced the cake and headed off to the Mad Stad to deliver said cake.
Cue much hilarity. I said on FB that I needed a key safe and all would be well. Then my mind whirred and I contacted Key Safe and explained what a daft brush I was. They obviously took pity on me as they sent me a Supra C500 keysafe, which after 4 screws and a chat with DIY Dave now sits in the porch. Like a life saver.
The Supra C500 KeySafe was designed after extensive consultation with users. It is the ONLY KeySafe to have Police approval. It is also the ONLY KeySafe to achieve LPS 1175 Level 1 security rating which means it has undergone a series of rigorous and demanding tests devised by security experts who concluded that, when installed as directed, the Supra C500 is as attack resistant as a domestic front door.

The key safe couldn't be easier to fit, DIY Dave did his drilling and screwing et voila! I now have a key readily available for when I need one, the girls don't have to remember to take one, friends can nip in and clean my house for me (hint, hint) and if anything happens to us and someone needs to access the house without boshing the door down they'll be able to get in the conventional way. However it's not just for forgetful people like I have been (once) but for older family and friends, or people who live on their own.
I'm still in the honeymoon period but the Key Safe is brilliant and a must have for anyone who has a key!
Thank you Key Safe for the chance to review this time saving product and for sending one out so swiftly!