This column can also be found in The Wokingham Paper.
The start of a new month, the opening of the Advent calendar and the arrival of the new Dodopad. I am in my element.
Speaking of elements and judging by the weather warnings it looks like it's going to turn chilly, or shramming as my granny would say. Do me a favour and check on the elderly. If you normally see them taking a stroll at a certain time and they're not there, if the milk is normally taken in and it's not, if the cat is hungry and hanging around or the dog is barking incessantly when normally it doesn't, or the post isn't pushed through the door. These might be little things but for me they're a reminder that some elderly might not have people nearby or technology at their finger tips. When I was in the Police I asked one of my elderly residents if she wanted me to pick anything up from the shops, she put her hand on my arm and said "well I don't really want to run out of loo roll". It's the little things.

I felt like I floated into December after an aroma facial at Barefoot Therapies in Farley Hill. Oh my days. The minute I stepped into Camilla's treatment room I left the chaos of the world at the door and began to relax and unwind. After the initial consultation I drifted into a relaxed state whilst Camilla, who uses REN products and dreamy techniques, brought my skin back to life. I'm definitely going back to work my way through the list! She also sells delicious candles and vouchers that are on my wish list.
Speaking of Wish Lists I am often asked what I would like for Christmas so I'm sort of prepared, which is more than can be said for my food and drink planning, just as well I know so many great food producers and Wellington Farm Shop is just over the county border. I do like pottering in farm shops and of course the added bonus is most have a cafe so it's more than just going shopping. It reminds me of the days when my Granny in Warwickshire (as opposed to the one who said shramming) would take me to Baddesley Clinton (one of my favourite National Trust places) for a walk around and then lunch. Simple pleasures.

There are loads of lovely events to get you into the Christmas spirit and this week I'm off to the The Barn at Lark Rise over at Beenham, Love Local Market at Henley Rugby Club organised by the amazing powerhouse Lynne Lambourne and Christmas at Neptune. More details on my blog. Might see you there.