This column can also be found in The Wokingham Paper
It's been a mixture of non week and go-go-go having been floored by a migraine over the weekend which resulted in Big Welsh calling 111 when my heart rate went tonto. Having never had a migraine before I also experienced a major panic attack which was a combination I never wish to repeat. There I was lying on the sofa when I don't quite know what happened and I felt myself feeling helpless and in excruciating agony, thankfully my eldest witnessed the sharp decline and after checking if I was having a heart attack, she got Big W who stepped in. I've had to call 111 on a number of occasions with the children & Big W and could possibly repeat the recorded message word for word. Within 4 minutes the paramedic thundered through the door and obviously all is well as I'm here to tell the tale.
Rest & Relaxation
As a result I've done very little, which for me is hard, but I was feeling so wretched that I had to listen to my body (and my great friend Plum who regularly tells me to slow down). I've slept a lot (little pockets of snoring which I do enjoy, there's something so comforting about a nap), read some magazines (gazing at photos of houses that inspire me to do something in mine, oohing at interesting gardens and drooling over tasty food), glanced at the telly (day time telly doesn't do it for me), listened to some music which was my normal eclectic mix plus an amazing cover album called She Will Have Her Way a compilation of Neil & Tim Finn (The Finn Brothers and Crowded House) songs by Australian and New Zealand female artists & musicians. I was introduced to this album years ago by Mike Churcher of Wokingham Remembers and it always reminds me of when our children were small.
BBC Radio Berkshire
I also listened to BBC Radio Berkshire and heard the new voice on the Andrew Peach show which belongs to none other than Mandy O'Neale, who amongst other things doesn't put butter or marge on toast. Discuss. I can only do that in pâtè circumstances - don't get me started on butter instead of cream with a scone. I assure you there are people out there who don't do it and besides I heard it with my own ears and her Twitter bio (@mandyonair) says "Broadcaster, voiceover and generally busy person!!! Lover of new challenges, live music and un-buttered toast". I caught up with Mandy who has been a presenter and voiceover for over 15 years and her voice pops up in weird places, including on the phone system for a big travel company, not only that but her super power is reverse parallel parking (mine too but I do favour reversing in from the passenger side, I'm now kicking myself for not asking which is her preferred reverse but with a super power there's probably no favourite). She's also a petrolhead with a particular love for classic British sports cars, I have a fondness for Morris Minors but I keep being talked out of getting one .... one of these days. And she used to have a racing license years ago, I did wow at that as it took me 5 attempts to get my driving license.
So now I'm back to full throttle and firing on all cylinders, see Mandy has already made an impression, and am working hard to get the garden ready for Loops' 18th, Mook had her knee operation and is recovering well and Laree is learning her lines for the Year 6 play so as you can imagine it's manic (and loud) in our house and there's never enough food because they're all growing, and they eat toast with spread then whatever topping. However I can always find some ingredients to turn into something delicious, like this twist on Eton Mess that I recently shared on Wokingham Gossip Girls' Facebook page - meringues, white chocolate cookies, soft fruits and cream - bash the meringues and biscuits, whip the cream and splodge on top with the soft fruits and a sprig of mint.
Here's hoping for a quieter and less fraught weekend. Speak next Friday, until then do take a look at www.nelliepompoms.co.uk for more recipes and other ramblings, or you can find me on Twitter @nelliepompoms where this week I'll be rattling on about insomnia, hedges and food.