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Nellie Knows : 24 November 2016

There's a kind of hush all over the world (you'll be humming Carpenters' tunes now!) with people either being in denial about Christmas.

Over the weekend Big Welsh asked whether Christmas was now or in 6 weeks. I'm with him. Whilst I might be getting ready and buying things that will do as Christmas gifts or thanks for having us I am in no way Christmas ready. People are asking if it's too early to put up a tree? I say it's your tree, your house, your rules, your customs - do what you want. Meanwhile Noddy Holder switched on the Christmas lights and declared it's Christmas so it must be. Somewhere! Not until next month in my house though!

Are we dreaming of a white Christmas? I can remember the Winter of 1981 I think, it snowed for days, in Hurst we had no electricity and would huddle round the fire, taking it in turns to boil the kettle on the camping stove. Imagine that now with our dependence on mobile technology.

There's loads of events happening and I can suggest taking at look at the Stallfinder website if you're wondering what events are on. I'm looking forward to the first Country Homes and Interiors event at Stonor Park on 25-27 November, the Holme Grange Craft Village Christmas Event on Saturday 26 November, meanwhile in Oxfordshire it's the Woodstock Christmas Market also on Saturday 26 November and of course the Wokingham Winter Carnival on Sunday 27 November. Busy!! Then it's December. It's beginning to look like Christmas!

Of course now that John Lewis have aired their Christmas advert it’s open season for all of them and I have to say that out of theirs, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and House of Fraser my favourite is Waitrose, to me it signifies that the best place to be is home for Christmas with loved ones and a mince pie.

I could be happy anywhere with a mince pie and to be honest as I make my own mincemeat based on a recipe of my Great Grandmother’s I do tend to make them during the year. Of course this year there’s the added bonus of Nom Nom the Welsh chocolate company who make the BEST EVER Mince Pie chocolate.

I’ll leave you with that thought, but do head over to my website to hear about where you can get your hands on my favourite chocolate!


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