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Nellie Knows : 25 May 2017

My weekly column for The Wokingham Paper

We're in the midst of GCSEs, everyone is tired, half term can't come soon enough and as much as we're crabby my girls are home and safe. I've dropped them to concerts, they've gone to gigs, I've waited around for them and I brought them safely home. Such horrific news from Manchester has made me hug my babies tighter.

I spent a brilliant weekend in Wales at the Glanusk Estate for their Estate Fayre and NGS Open Gardens, bathed in glorious sunshine and surrounded by fabulous standholders, garden visitors and guest speakers. It was a privilege to interview BBC2's Allotment man Terry Walton who I can assure you is as funny in real life as he is on the radio. He said that he know only enjoys talking to his plants but he also sings to them. If you've seen photos of his plot you'll know it works! I also was in conversation with Lynne Allbutt who was the first woman to run barefoot across Wales before she headed off to RHS Chelsea. The event was opened by Ruth Wignall the Welsh weather girl whose birthday it was and I had a keen eye on the weather all week, having told her that if it is sunny on your birthday then everyone is happy! We were joined by Andrew Price of ITV's Coast and Country fame who also runs Dryad Bushcraft and we chatted about bonfires, flying kites and being on the telly amongst other things. It certainly feels like the summer weather has arrived!

With the warmer weather comes outside living and I am loving Edge Bean Bags, a Wokingham company, who make bespoke bean bags. On Sunday morning they tootled up the M4 to Crickhowell and showed off all sizes and colours of their bean bags including their outdoor range. What better way to end a busy day than flopping into a comfy bean bag?

Now I'm home and my garden is in need of some attention. I won't be singing to the ghastly mares tail but I will be trying out the salt water to see if I can keep them at bay! I've recently found a website ( that sells worm fertiliser (loved by Terry and Lynne, what an endorsement) so that's my thing for this summer. Not only that but they have the most amazing slug deterrent.

I can't wait to spend time with my family and friends in the garden and hope that if you're at home for half term you recharge your batteries and enjoy the people in your life.



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