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Nellie Knows : The Wokingham Paper : 29 January 2016

This was previously published in The Wokingham Paper on Friday 29 January 2016.

Thanks for all your comments following my return last week. It’s good to be back. If you’ve not already seen my previous columns then do take a look at

I can’t believe we are approaching the end of January, where has the time gone? Well, it’s not been spent ironing as I completely forgot to do it, despite my good intentions last week! I have had a good excuse though as the washing machine broke down, but with a few grunts and screwdrivers I got it working again. Maybe you heard me roar? I am chuffed that I no longer have a washing machine in front of the oven and it works!! I have no idea how I got it working but it wont be long before I can hang it out on the line! Oh I’m looking forward to those days! I’m also looking forward to next month when my husband has his plaster taken off his ankle following a ligament reconstruction. His Look Keo pedal sheared off in the summer so do please check your pedals aren’t on the recall list.

Memories of Wokingham

Over on the Facebook page Memories of Wokingham we had a real laugh discussing the food we all ate back in the day! We all seemed to eat at The Rose/Berni but our home cooked meals featured crispy pancakes and potato croquettes, helped down by a handful of Spangles and a glass of milk. Who can forget the Watch out, watch out there’s a Humphrey about advert? We also talked about local characters and one name that popped up was Sgt Hedges who some of you may well remember. I saw him recently, he’s not on Facebook but he did want to thank everyone for their memories and kind wishes, then he added that he hopes that everyone is behaving themselves!

Looking into live in care

I have been looking into live in care and products that make life a bit easier for the older generation and those less able bodied. My brother in law has Friedreich’s Ataxia and my mother in law often tells me in her weekly phone calls (Sunday at 7pm) of things she has found to make the day a little bit easier. Live in care allows your family member to stay in their own home and have a companion 24 hours a day. One company I have looked at is Miracle Workers. They place live in carers throughout the UK, Ireland and parts of Europe. Do look them up if you are considering a live in carer and also if you interested in becoming a live in carer. We’re all going to get old someday so it’s worth planning whilst you can.

The here and now

Back in the day (when we all went to The Berni Inn and we didn’t have such things as websites and social media) we didn’t have the opportunity to check on things like weather and travel, but I check these daily. It’s really annoying to be driving somewhere and find that the road is closed or traffic lights hamper the day but I know that roads aren’t dug up to annoy motorists they are dug up to rectify problems or replace old worn equipment. This is where you come in! If you see a leak or a broken drain or a light bulb is out or the hedges are obscuring your view or safe passage then report it to the council or relevant organisation so that they can deal with it before it becomes an emergency which impacts on everyone. I know it’s dull and boring but if everyone reported issues when they saw them we might not have quite so many road closures or delays. BBC Radio Berkshire also broadcast regular traffic bulletins and rely on people to advise them of traffic and travel issues, next time you are stuck in a jam give them a call on 0345 9311 333.

One thing I do like about social media is the fact that you can be reading something on your phone or computer written by someone hundreds of miles away. Last week my friend Tanya Barrow was in Jordan visiting the refugees with World Vision UK, you can keep up to date with her visit on her website

Next week's column (printed and in shops from Friday 5 February to Thursday 11 February) is in The Wokingham Paper and will be here on Friday 12 February, do pop back!


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