This was previously published in The Wokingham Paper on Friday 5 February 2016.
Looking forward to half term
How can it be February already, not only that half term starts next week! That means we are now half way through the school year and it won’t be long before my youngest leaves junior school. I’ve been a junior school parent for nearly 13 years so it will be very strange not to wait at the gate for my whirling dervish to come flying out excitedly telling me what she has done and asking what food I’ve got. I don’t know about you but my children are gannets and eat everything, no sooner than the fridge is full it’s empty and the bowl of fruit slowly reduces, leaving a bruised banana or a hard lemon. My eldest being a late teen is full of interesting facts and she told me that if you break up the bunch of bananas they last longer and don’t bruise as easily. I tried it and it works!
This weekend sees the start of the 6 Nations, it’s a big thing in our house. A really big thing and anyone who has any connection to Wales will know how much of a big thing it is when England and Wales play (Round 4, Twickenham, Saturday 12 March at 4pm). Big Welsh is a Valleys boy, born in Wales to Welsh parents and is very Welsh, I was born in Henley and the children were born in Reading however they all support Wales, the dog was born locally but he’s also Welsh! I’ve embraced the Welsh influence and also support Wales, it makes it easier when my mother in law (Granny Valley) phones. Normally she phones on a Sunday at 7pm but you can guarantee she will phone immediately after any England/Wales game. I think she has her finger poised on the speed dial but I could be wrong!! I’ve previously mentioned how emotional I get when anyone (not just my girls) scores in football, I can tell you it’s worse when there’s a National Anthem I am a blubbering wreck.
Food and drink
Over on the Facebook page Memories of Wokingham we’ve been talking about food, again! I’ve mentioned crispy pancakes before and I read last week that Findus were going to stop producing them. I don’t think I have eaten them in ages so I won’t miss them but I did think I should have a meal for old time’s sake! We had a great evening out with some (Welsh) friends at The Crooked Billet in Honey Hill last Saturday, we all had the salmon starter and then 3 of us had the steak which was cooked to perfection, rare for me and medium rare for everyone else. I’m not a pudding person so I went for the cheese board which was a perfect end to a delicious meal. My eldest treated us to breakfast at Jessy’s in Denmark Street the next day where I enjoyed Eggs Benedict with salmon. With the roaring fire and the Sunday papers it was a nice way to start a Sunday. We’ve also been to Oslars after school a number of times, little legs is gaining independence prior to moving to senior school so she has walked to meet me there and because they welcome dogs I have taken him in with me. I’ll speak for him and say it’s a really friendly independent cafe which plays 80s music so we’re all happy!
Speaking of 80s music we watched a number of programmes recently featuring the glorious days of the 80s, one thing that stood out was the hair! And what hair! What clothing! When I was skiing in the 80s in my brightly coloured ski gear I looked the part, nowadays it’s not quite so garish so we have been enjoying watching The Jump with Graham Bell. All I will say is ouch! I’m a confident skier but I’m not daring! I love the mountains, which reminds me I’ve got a mountain of ironing to get through.
See you next week!
Next week's column (printed and in shops from Friday 12 February to Thursday 18 February) is in The Wokingham Paper and will be here on Friday 19 February, do pop back!
