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Nellie Knows  : Wokingham Paper 26 February 2016

This was previously printed in my column Nellie Knows in The Wokingham Paper

Everything is back to (relative) normal after half term and now it’s just a short time until my lot break up for Easter. I have to say that I really like March, not just because it’s my birthday but it’s Mothering Sunday, the clocks go forward, there’s more daylight hours and there is the real promise of spring. The garden is beginning to show signs of what lies beneath and I have every intention of spending as much time in the garden as I can. One thing that we don’t have a lot of is moles and having spent a bit of half term with friends whose garden is blighted by moles I’m grateful, we just have footballs all over the garden!


The girls have had a break from football during half term so it will be a shock to the system to get everyone out of the house in time for their games, it’s normally quite easy though with the promise of a bacon butty. How lucky are we that home matches are played at Lowther Road where the club house is open for tea & coffee and tasty bacon sarnies. I really hope that they get planning permission for the improvements, we need good facilities for our local team and I am looking forward to when the car park is sorted as it’s very muddy and bumpy, once that’s done then we won’t be parking on the road.

School run

I would hardly call the journey to school a ‘run’ but it’s what we do each day be it walking, cycling or driving. Walking is by far the easiest and so much less stressful than sitting in the car staring at the bumper in front of you. Then there’s the parking issue. I will readily admit to being a parking pedant, I make no apologies for it. None whatsoever. One car parked out of place can impact on the flow of traffic, tempers get frayed and drivers get irate. Oh I can well do without that first thing in the morning. Mornings are fraught enough, which is why I am counting down to the Easter holidays.

Memories of Wokingham

It’s been great to see so many people getting in touch from all over the world via the ace Facebook group set up by Steve Armstrong. People have posted a memory and others have piled in with anecdotes or nuggets of the past, do, if you are not already add yourself to the group. Sue Heath is organising a get together on Saturday 14 May in Wokingham for people who were youngsters in Wokingham, who are now aged in their 50s, 60s and 70s. Head over to the Facebook page for more information.

Stranger on a train

I recieved this message earlier in the week and wonder if anyone knows who this could be? Drop me an email if you know who it is so that D can say thank you: “Can you help trace a kind lady who helped me on the train last Friday? The lady in question lives in Wokingham with her husband and her elderly father who is in his 90's. She is slim, with short brown hair. She commutes to Covent Garden everyday. I was in a bad way and I really believe that had she not helped when she did, I'd have collapsed. I use a walking stick, I was wearing a pink blouse & had a bag of shopping. She was amazing and so kind. I am in my 40s, nobody else offered to help, I was left standing and crushed on this train. I was in a great deal of pain and showing signs of being in a bad way. I couldn't regulate my body temperature and she said I was bright red. I now know that I have a nasty infection. But she's been on my mind all weekend and I'd like to say thank you in person”.



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