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Posh Jumble and Car Boutique UK

Having had a huge kitchen rethink and general declutter I was left with boxes of preloved household items that I was going to do something with. That something is Car Boutique UK a pop up posh jumble that will take place at a number of venues throughout the year.

I like nice things and stuff, I must do as I have a house of nice things and stuff but every so often I think I have too much stuff and so I have a sort out. I put it in a corner and think I will do something with it, then I buy more stuff and so the cycle goes on. I don't really have a style per se but I do see things and can picture them in my home, so when they are first dragged in I set about placing them - it often causes upheaval and everyone wonders where things are but when it's done and sorted it looks lovely. Until I change my mind.

Some time ago I had toyed with the idea of doing a car boot sale but the prospect of getting up super early on a Sunday and standing in a cold field filled me with dread so I shelved that idea and added more stuff to my corner of stuff. A month or so ago I felt I should reclaim the corner of stuff and so set about having a massive sort out. I do love a good sort out so I got my boxes and bags and started to sort things out. I cleared surfaces and made a plan:-

1. Charity 2. Not ours 3. Rubbish 4. Good but not great 5. Has a home it just hasn't been put away 6. Recyclable 7. Upcyclable 8. For selling 9. No hope 10. What was I thinking?

Then I quietly and calmly began to fill boxes and bags and the boot and was left with a space, albeit with boxes. Off to the tip I went, into recycling boxes stuff went, charity shop visits, returning things to people, things in their places, stuff for selling and stuff for people to look through and say oof this will be ideal for something. It was cathartic!

However I was still left with boxes, so I spoke to the amazing Heather of Growing Spaces who told me she was going to a Bloggers Vintage Jumble and she agreed to take some boxes that might sell. Well that was a big hurrah as I had less boxes and more space.

With some of the boxes out of the house I set about having a massive declutter and reorganisation and it was BLISS! I wish I had used my pedometer because I seemed to walk miles between rooms, up and down stairs and to the car. Instead of picking one thing up and taking it to its designated place I picked up a pile of stuff so that I could put whatever it was away and then look and see what needed to go where next. Much much easier than picking up a pair of socks and taking that upstairs and then getting distracted by the bottles without lids. It was methodical and I got so much more done.

Heather returned a few weeks later with some boxes and they were then placed in the corner ready for me to do something with.


Yes! Really! I was so determined to have a corner and not a corner of stuff that I struck upon the idea of a pop up posh jumble and then Car Boutique UK was born. The first one is on Sunday 8 November 2015 at Evendons Primary School in Wokingham and I am offering inside and outside spaces. Proceeds will go to The Brain Tumour Charity and the HeadsSmart campaign.

Space is selling fast so if you would like a space then either drop an email to or text me or send a tweet to @carboutiqueuk or @nelliepompoms.

Don't despair if you can't make it as I will be running more, all over the country and I am delighted to announce that I will be running one specially for shops and businesses to sell overstocks, sale items and stock room archives which promises to be a fabulous networking weekend. More details to follow!

What are you waiting for? Clear out your cupoards, make space, sell your preloved posh jumble and help me raise funds for The Brain Tumour Charity and HeadSmart.



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