It was a real pleasure to chat to Harriet about her brilliant business Spacemasks. Spacemasks are masks that whisk you away into space, and that space can be anywhere. I slip one on, switch off the light and as the magic warms up I wind down and drift off into a deep untroubled sleep. For a couple of years now Spacemasks have made their way into my care packages, pamper hampers and Father Christmas got hold of some one year so there must be Instagram in the North Pole, oh and I have also made sure I treat myself from time to time. The puppy has a real case of FOMO so he had to have a go too (jokes, no masks were wasted on the bin snuffling hound with the silky ears).
What does your business do? I sell self heating eyemasks.
What is your most popular product? N/A, I only have the one.
What is your personal favourite? As above, I only have one product.
Where are you based? London
How long have you been in business? 3 years
What are your hours? 7am-7pm
What is the easiest/most fun part of your business? Chatting to all my customers on Instagram and reading all their posts (if you are not following Harriet on Instagram then can I suggest you do, she is a breath of fresh air).
What is the hardest part of your business? Not thinking about it 24/7
Where do you live? London
How do you relax? I swim often and I have regular massages and facials.
If you weren’t doing this what would you do? I’d still be helping locals with their admin! Bizzarely, I love admin and am very resourceful.
Is this the career you thought you would have? No! I studied hospitality management at university and only ever worked in the restaurant industry
Where did you train/learn? My most educational experience was working at Foxtrot Oscar on and off from the age of 16!
Where did you grow up? Clapham, London
Where else have you lived? Nowhere! I adore London and would never leave.
What is your favourite meal? Lunch at Mr Chow or shoulder of lamb at home (oh yum, pick a date and I'll be there!)
What is your favourite telly programme? ER. I love a medical drama.
What did you read during lockdown? Mother and Papa Pukka’s ‘Where’s my happy ending? (available from all good independent bookshops, ask your local independent book shop to order it in for you so you can pick it up or ask them to post it out to you)
Do you speak any other languages? Nope even though I studied French from the age of 4 through to 'A’ level. How embarrassing.
Would you ever leave where you are now? Never!
What makes your home so special? The atmosphere in our house. Everyone always comments on it.
Do you attend events? Yes but only ones I actually want to attend.
Where is your happy place? Home. And Whitstable.
Where is your favourite hidden gem? My facials at Phillipa Benson SW10 where I’ve been going since I was 16.
How did you adapt your business during the pandemic? Fewer meetings and coping with 4 young daughters at home!
Could you recommend one of your favourite websites? Too many to mention. I love perusing fashion websites like Matches Fashion as I have a penchant for handbags and boots. But I also love beauty websites as I’m obsessed with skincare. Through Instagram, I ‘meet’ people from all over the palce so I’m often found on Trainline working out ways to meet in real life.
Anything else you would like to say? Don’t be put off setting up your own company. There are so many daunting elements to it but none that can’t be overcome by research or asking questions. 99% of people are vey kind and keen to help.
Christmas isn't really that far away now so stock up while you can and before the last dates for posting, and if it all gets too much for you then don a space mask and take yourself off for a snooze!